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Royal School of Church Music Gulf Coast
"Psallam spiritu et mente"
[ 1 Corinthians 14:15]
Our motto psallam spirit et mente really says it all. Translated, it means "I will sing with the spirit and with the understanding also." At RSCM Gulf Coast we are committed to training the next generation of church musicians by entrenching them in the tradition and the art of music while emphasizing the reason we do all this- all to the glory of God!

Upcoming Events
Winter Festival
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
The Church of St. John the Divine
2450 River Oaks Blvd
Houston, TX 77019

The Chorister's Prayer
Bless, O Lord, us thy servants
who minister in thy temple;
Grant that what we sing with our lips,
we may believe in our hearts,
and what we believe in our hearts
we may show forth in our lives;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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